Monday, October 31, 2011

candy detox

I may or may not go through my kids trick-or-treat bags
and pull out all of the Twix.
What?  It is for their own good;)

After all the parties are over and all of the trick-or-treating is done,
and the kids are passed out from candy overload,
I go through their bags and throw away, all the jaw breakers, gum, etc. 
the things I do not want them to eat, 
and I pull out all the candy I want to eat:) a.k.a. Twix
Then after a couple of days what ever has not been eaten gets thrown away.
Seriously we do not need to drag out this candy madness longer than that.


  1. twix is your candy of choice eh?! ya. good call! yummo and then trash em! :D too funny :D

  2. or you could mail the leftovers to me :)
